Eye Exam Frequency

Regular eye exams are necessary in order to diagnose vision and ocular health conditions in a timely manner, and to aid in prevention of these conditions.

How often you will need to receive an eye exam will depend largely on YOUR individual eye care needs.  After your initial examination, your doctor of optometry will help you determine when you should return.  General guidelines, however, are in place to assist you in determining follow-up examination frequency.


Eye exam frequency recommendations

Infants and toddlers (birth to 24months)

Infants should undergo their first comprehensive eye exam between the ages of 6 and 9 months.

Preschool children (2 to 5 years)

Preschool children should undergo at least one comprehensive eye exam between the ages of 2 and 5 years.

School age children (6 to 19 years)

School age children should undergo a comprehensive eye exam annually.

Adult (20 to 64 years)

Adults aged 20 to 64 years should undergo a comprehensive  eye exam every 1 to 2 years.

Seniors (65+ years)

Seniors aged 65 and older should undergo a comprehensive eye exam annually.


Frequency for high-risk patients will be determined by the examining doctor of optometry based on the findings at your initial examination. 

Some factors which may indicate high risk are:

  • Infants and toddlers and preschool: Premature birth; low birth weight; mother's health during pregnancy; family medical history; strabismus; or congenital eye disorders.
  • School age: children experiencing difficulty at school; children exhibiting reading and/or learning disabilities.
  • Adult: diabetes; hypertension; family history of glaucoma; those whose work is visually demanding or who face eye hazards.
  • Older adult: diabetes; hypertension; family history of glaucoma; those taking systemic medication with ocular side effects.