Find an Optometrist

By entering an address or postal code in the categories below, a list of those optometrists closest to that address will appear. If you enter the name of an optometrist their contact information will appear.

Your optometrist can help with urgent/medically necessary care. Alberta Health coverage is available towards the treatment of:
Eye and eyelid inflammation
Dry eye
Eye injuries
Foreign objects in the eye
Sudden changes in vision
Monitoring for diabetes issues, glaucoma, and retinal disease
Post-operative care for cataract patients

For Bailey-Lovie testing, click the PDF below for a list of optometrists.
(Adobe PDF File)

Find an Optometrist

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{{searchResults.length}} Result(s) Found


Closed Temporarily
Open for urgent care only, call prior to going to the clinic.
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Fax: {{item.Fax}}
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